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Call our helpline

Our services

Who can use our services?

We support women aged 16 and over who have been affected by violence and abuse in Scotland.

You can read our inclusion statement here.

All our services are free and confidential.

Here is a diagram that outlines the different routes of support within SWRC. Our main initial contact points with the service are through our helplines or contact form. From there, our Advocacy Team will work with you to assess the best place within our project to get you the right support. 


Tap on the links below to read more about our services and to get in touch.


Legal advice surgeries

Legal representation - Take on process

Advocacy support


Services for migrant women


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08088 010 789

Our daytime helpline is currently available:

Our evening helpline, staffed by pro-bono solicitors who can provide initial advice, is currently available:

For up-to-date availability including any upcoming closures, please click here.